Toyota Land Cruiser

FJ60, FJ62 and FJ80 1980-1997 of release

Repair and car operation

Toyota Land Cruiser
+ 1. The maintenance instruction
+ 2. Maintenance service
+ 3. Engines
+ 4. Systems of cooling, heating
- 5. Fuel and exhaust systems
   + 5.1. Carburettor engines
   - 5.2. Engines with fuel injection
      5.2.1. Technical characteristics
      5.2.2. Декомпрессия fuel system
      + 5.2.3. The fuel pump and pressure of fuel
      5.2.4. Gasoline pipe lines and joints
      5.2.5. The fuel pump
      5.2.6. The gauge of level of fuel
      5.2.7. The air filter
      5.2.8. A cable of a drive throttle заслонки
      - 5.2.9. System of electronic injection of fuel (EFI-system) Check of system of electronic injection of fuel
         + Units of system of electronic injection of fuel
+ 6. System of decrease in toxicity
+ 7. Transmission
+ 8. Brake system
+ 9. Suspension brackets and a steering
+ 10. A body
+ 11. An electric equipment
+ 12. Electroschemes Check of system of electronic injection of fuel
1. Check up reliability of all connections with weight. Check up conducting and system sockets. Easing of electric connections and bad contact to weight can cause many malfunctions which are often perceived as refusals of the engine.
2. Check up degree заряженности batteries. Normal work of gauges and actuation mechanisms of a dosage of fuel depends on pressure of a food.
3. Check up a condition of the air filter, – pollution of a filtering element can cause essential deterioration of operational indicators, including profitability.
4. If the fused safety lock replace it is found out and check up work of a corresponding chain. If the safety lock fuses again find and eliminate malfunction.
5. Check up tightness of the channel of an air line from the filter to an inlet collector. Presence подсоса air in an air line leads to excessive pauperisation of a mix. Check up also a condition of the vacuum hoses connected to an inlet collector.
6. Remove from the chamber throttle заслонки an air line and check up presence of adjournment of a deposit and resinous adjournment. At pollution wash out the case an aerosol cleaner of the carburettor and clean a tooth-brush (at first be convinced that the cleaner is harmless to oxygen and neutralizer gauges).
7. On the working engine put a stethoscope to each of atomizers and hear to the characteristic clicks specifying for normal work of atomizers. If the stethoscope is absent, take advantage of a long screw-driver. The screw-driver termination put to an atomizer, and an ear approach to the handle.
8. If listening yields doubtful results check up atomizers by means of the light indicator, having included it in an atomizer socket. Start the engine and be convinced that on each socket of an atomizer light flashes.
9. On the idle engine disconnect sockets from atomizers and check up resistance of each atomizer. Resistance of each atomizer should be within 13,4–14,2 Ohm. If resistance differs, an atomizer replace.
10. Other checks should be carried out in car-care centre as malfunction of the block of management can be the reason of abnormal work of system.