Toyota Land Cruiser

FJ60, FJ62 and FJ80 1980-1997 of release

Repair and car operation

Toyota Land Cruiser
+ 1. The maintenance instruction
+ 2. Maintenance service
- 3. Engines
   + 3.1. Engines 2F and 3F-E
   + 3.2. The verhneklapannyj engine 1FZ-FE
   - 3.3. Dismantle and engine major repairs
      3.3.1. Technical characteristics
      3.3.2. Diagnostics of the engine with the help вакууметра
      3.3.3. Compression check
      3.3.4. Dismantle of the power unit
      3.3.5. Removal and engine installation
      3.3.6. Alternatives of major repairs
      - 3.3.7. An order of dismantling of the engine A head of cylinders Repair of valves Shatunno-piston group Коленвал Clearing and check of the block of cylinders Хоннингование cylinders Rods and pistons Radical and шатунные bearings
      + 3.3.8. An engine assembly order
      3.3.9. Start-up of the engine after repair and обкатка
   + 3.4. An engine electric equipment
+ 4. Systems of cooling, heating
+ 5. Fuel and exhaust systems
+ 6. System of decrease in toxicity
+ 7. Transmission
+ 8. Brake system
+ 9. Suspension brackets and a steering
+ 10. A body
+ 11. An electric equipment
+ 12. Electroschemes A head of cylinders

Details клапанного the mechanism

1. Crackers

2. Plates

3. Springs

4. Umbellate caps

5. Valves



The prevention

Acquisition of a new head of the block, than dismantling, check and repair of a head were in operation is represented to more expedient.

1. For dismantling of a head of the block of cylinders it is necessary to remove коромысла
With platens, valves and accompanying details.
2. The removed details should be stored in an order of their installation.
3. Compress a spring of the first valve by means of the suitable adaptation and remove crackers. Cautiously release a valve spring, remove a spring plate, a spring and a basic washer (if is available).
4. Get the valve and remove маслосъемный a cap. If the valve does not leave the plug polish надфилем a fillet about a valve end face.
5. Repeat the same actions for other valves.
6. Clear a head of cylinders and examine (it is recommended to make it after definitive dismantling of the engine).


1. Remove from demountable surfaces of a head all rests of linings, being careful not to damage a surface. Remove a deposit from chambers of combustion, heads of valves and a scum from cooling channels. Banish and clean all carving apertures.
2. Carefully wash out solvent all details клапанного the mechanism, being careful not to damage them.
3. Process all carvings a tap or a die, wash out and blow compressed air.
4. Clear an axis bolt коромысла and hairpins a rigid brush.



1. Attentively examine a head, check up presence of cracks and signs of penetration of a cooling liquid. At detection of cracks a head replace.
2. Check up deformation of a demountable surface of a head. If the deviation from a plane exceeds norm a head follows перешлифовать.
3. Check up a condition of saddles of valves. At presence питтинга (poles), cracks, burn-out traces head repair in car-care centre is required.
4. Lower the valve approximately on 1,5 mm and check up люфт a core in a cross-section direction. If half total люфта on the indicator more exceeds norm (the standard backlash in the plug) it is necessary to replace the plug (it is carried out in car-care centre). At any signs of a doubtful condition of their plug it is necessary to check up in car-care centre.


Places of check of deterioration of the valve

1. An end face

2. Flutes under crackers

3. A core

4. The inlet valve

5. A facet

6. A corbel

7. The final valve

Characteristic deterioration of an end face of the valve

1. Normal deterioration (a trace from duplicator work)
2. Abnormal work of a duplicator
3. Abnormal work of a duplicator


1. Attentively examine valves, check up presence on facets of valves of cracks, traces of non-uniform development, ablation of metal and прогара.
2. Check up presence of cracks on necks and cores, and also a bend of cores, turning the valve in the directing plug (fig. of the Place of check of deterioration of the valve see).
3. Check up deterioration of end faces of cores. Presence of any of the specified defects specifies in necessity of repair of valves (fig. Characteristic deterioration of an end face of the valve see).
4. Measure width of a regional corbel (1) each valves and compare to standard value. If this distance is less than norm the valve replace.


1. Measure length of a spring in a free condition. Springs with усадкой replace. Before installation of springs on the repaired engine it is necessary to check up them under loading at the special stand in car-care centre.
2. Check up deterioration and length of springs. Springs with усадкой replace. Check up elasticity of springs (it is carried out in car-care centre).
3. Check up vertical position of springs. At a deviation from a vertical a spring replace.
4. Check up presence of visible wear tracks and cracks on plates of springs and crackers. Details with any defects replace.


1. Check up presence on persistent surfaces коромысел poles, development traces, наволакивания metal. Check up also a condition of platens коромысел and the spherical terminations of axes.
2. Check up a condition of end faces of bars, presence on them having chopped off and development traces. Check up deformation of bars, прокатив them on sheet glass.
3. Replace strongly worn out details.
4. If check shows that details клапанного the mechanism are worn out, collect a head and hand over in repair.


Напрессовка маслосъемных caps

1. A cap in оправке

2. A valve end face

3. A cap

4. Оправка

1. Before the assemblage beginning. It is necessary to be convinced of cleanliness of a head of the block irrespective of out repairs of this detail in car-care centre were carried or not.
2. If the block head was under repair in car-care centre measure spring height in the established condition.
3. Establish all details клапанного the mechanism upside-down, having begun with маслосъемных caps (fig. of Napressovka маслосъемных caps see). On a part of engines consolidations of umbellate type which are established only after valve installation are used.
4. Establish basic washers or linings, a spring, a glass and a plate.

The prevention

Springs of valves of the engine 3F-E have colour marks on which the spring is guided (see subsection 3.1.7).

5. Compress springs and establish crackers. Before assemblage grease crackers for their time fixing.
6. Check up height of a spring after assemblage, i.e. distance from a basic washer to a plate bottom edge (or the top surface of a glass). If the height appears more norms establish additional basic washers.

The prevention

It is forbidden to correct height of a spring selection of washers in the event that height of less norm.