Toyota Land Cruiser

FJ60, FJ62 and FJ80 1980-1997 of release

Repair and car operation

Toyota Land Cruiser
+ 1. The maintenance instruction
- 2. Maintenance service
   2.1. Additional maintenance service
   2.2. Technical characteristics
   2.3. An arrangement of units in a motor compartment
   2.4. Maintenance service terms
   + 2.5. Check of level of liquids
   2.6. Check of a condition of tyres and pressure in tyres
   2.7. Liquid level in automatic transmission
   2.8. Liquid level in system of a hydrodrive of a steering
   2.9. Oil replacement in the engine and the oil filter
   2.10. Check of a condition and care of the battery
   2.11. Check of system of cooling
   2.12. Check and replacement of hoses in a motor compartment
   2.13. Check and replacement of brushes of a cleaner of a windscreen
   2.14. Shift of wheels
   2.15. Suspension bracket and steering check
   2.16. Exhaust system check
   2.17. Check of level of oil in a manual transmission
   2.18. Check of level of oil in a distributing box
   2.19. Check of level of oil in reducers of bridges
   2.20. Check of a condition of seat belts
   2.21. The thermostat of the air filter (carburettor engines)
   2.22. Check and greasing of the exhaust valve
   2.23. System of catching of steams of gasoline
   2.24. System check рециркуляции
   2.25. Air заслонка the carburettor
   2.26. A zolotnik of system of ventilation картера
   2.27. Check and replacement of the air filter
   2.28. Replacement of spark plugs
   2.29. Check and adjustment of backlashes of valves
   2.30. Idling turns (carburettor engines)
   2.31. Drive belts
   2.32. Check of fuel system
   + 2.33. Check of brakes
   2.34. Check and adjustment of pedals of coupling (brake)
   2.35. Replacement of the fuel filter
   2.36. High-voltage wires, бегунок and distributor covers
   2.37. Check and installation of the moment of ignition
   2.38. Care of cooling system
   2.39. Naves and bearings of forward wheels
   2.40. Liquid replacement in automatic transmission and the filter
   2.41. Oil replacement in a manual transmission
   2.42. Oil replacement in a distributing box
   2.43. Oil replacement in a back (forward) reducer
   2.44. Backlashes in valves on the engine 1FZ-FE
+ 3. Engines
+ 4. Systems of cooling, heating
+ 5. Fuel and exhaust systems
+ 6. System of decrease in toxicity
+ 7. Transmission
+ 8. Brake system
+ 9. Suspension brackets and a steering
+ 10. A body
+ 11. An electric equipment
+ 12. Electroschemes

2.31. Drive belts

Characteristic signs of deterioration клинообразного a belt

1. Furrows on each side

2. Обугливание

3. Растрескивание

4. Отслоение from a basis

5. A wipe (brightness)

6. Oil hit

7. An anguish

Check of a tension of a belt

1. A ruler

2. Брусок

3. A deflection

On engines are applied клинообразные drive belts. Because of constant loadings in due course occurs вытягивание belts and their condition worsens. Therefore, belts should be checked periodically.

The quantity of the belts established on the car depends on type of the engine and from a car complete set. Belts are used for a drive of the generator, the pump of a cooling liquid, the conditioner and the hydraulic booster.


1. Stop the engine and, having opened a cowl, find drive belts. Check up a condition of belts, presence of characteristic signs of deterioration, having shined with their small lamp. Check up a condition of belts from both parties.
2. Check up a belt tension on deflection size in the middle between pulleys (fig. Check of a tension of a belt see). If distance centre to centre pulleys of 180-300 mm the deflection has to be 6,5 mm, and at distance centre to centre 300–400 mm the deflection should be 13 mm for клиновых belts and 6,5 mm for belts with a ridge profile. The ruler should be перепендикулярна бруску.

Tension adjustment

1. On all cars for adjustment of a tension of a belt of a drive it is necessary to move the unit on an arm.
2. The belt is regulated by two bolts – axial () and adjusting (). For adjustment loosen the a bolt And also rotate a bolt In to displace a roller or a pulley of mobile knot, having pulled or having weakened a belt.
3. After adjustment check up a belt tension, if necessary again loosen the bolts and adjust a tension. Upon termination of adjustment tighten bolts.
4. On cars of early releases a mobile roller натяжителя with an adjusting bolt are absent, a roller (or a pulley) are displaced by the auxiliary lever (mount).

1. For belt replacement execute the same preliminary procedures, as for adjustment then remove a belt. All belts are recommended to be changed simultaneously. Before removal designate each belt and a corresponding pulley.
2. At acquisition compare a new belt to the replaced.
3. Adjust a belt tension.